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Electricity generation by renewable energy facilities in Kazakhstan increased by 30% in 2021

19 апреля 2022
Views: 355

By the beginning of this year, the installed capacity of facilities using renewable energy sources (RES) in Kazakhstan amounted to 2 thousand MW, which is 23% more than at the beginning of last year (it was 1.6 thousand MW, an annual growth of 55.7%) . It should be noted that compared to 2016, the installed capacity of renewable energy facilities increased by 6.8 times.

Most of the installed capacity is solar power plants (51.6% or 1 thousand MW, plus 13.8% per year), another 34% is for wind power plants (684 MW, plus 40.6%). The installed capacity of small HPPs is 281 MW and bioelectric power plants is 7.8 MW.

In January-December 2021, electricity generation by renewable energy facilities increased by 30.1% per year, to 4.2 billion kWh. The share of electricity generated by renewable energy facilities in the total volume of electricity production amounted to 3.7%, against 3% a year earlier.

Most of the electricity generation among renewable energy facilities came from wind farms: 42.1% or 1.8 billion kWh, an annual growth of 65%. Solar power plants generated 1.6 billion kWh, small hydropower plants - 799.7 million kWh, biopower plants - 3 million kWh.

According to the portal bp.com, in 2020, electricity generation by renewable energy facilities around the world increased by 12.8% per year, to 3.1 trillion kWh. The leaders in terms of production were China, the USA and Germany. The TOP-3 countries accounted for 52.3% of all electricity generation by renewable energy facilities in the world.

Ukraine is the leader among the CIS countries: here the volume of electricity generation amounted to 9.7 billion kWh, which is immediately 83.9% more than a year earlier.

The second and third lines are occupied by Kazakhstan (here, the data of the portal differ from the indicators of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and amount to 3.7 billion kWh of electricity) and Russia (3.5 billion kWh).

In Belarus, renewable energy facilities generated 477.8 million kWh of electricity, in Azerbaijan - 240.5 million kWh.

In the ranking of countries for the introduction of renewable energy facilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Kazakhstan took only 59th place out of 63. Out of 20 possible points, the Republic of Kazakhstan was assigned only 2.54 points.

Among the CIS countries, Ukraine and Belarus are higher than Kazakhstan in the rating, Russia is lower (penultimate place).

The authors start the rating from the third place, since the first two experts could not award any country with sufficiently good results.

Norway opens the ranking from the third line: 19.21 points out of 20. Denmark and Sweden also entered the top three countries. Iran closes the rating.



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