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Electricity generation in Russia in May increased by 0.4%, to 90 billion kWh - Rosstat

30 июня 2023
Views: 236

Electricity generation in Russia in May 2023 amounted to 90 billion kWh, which is 0.4% more than the in the same month in 2022 and 4.6% lower than in April this year.

In particular, Russian thermal power plants (TPPs) in May increased their output by 7.6% year-on-year, to 54.3 billion kWh, remaining the main supplier of electricity to the country's unified power system with a share of 66.1% of total electricity generation. At the same time, nuclear power plants (NPPs) and hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) reduced their output by 9.6% and 8.3%, to 16.8 billion 8.3 billion kWh, respectively.

Renewable energy generation facilities produced 562 million kWh of electricity in May (a decrease of 11.7%).

According to statistics, in January-May 2023, the total electricity production in the Russian Federation amounted to 505 billion kWh, which is 0.3% less than the figure for the same period last year. Thus, production at thermal power plants increased by 3.5%, to 334 billion kWh, but electricity generation at nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants decreased by 8.1% and 6.3%, to 88.5 billion and 80.1 billion kWh. h respectively. Generation at renewable energy facilities increased by 1.4% over five months, to 2.7 billion kWh.

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