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Electricity generation in the Russian Federation increased by 0.5% over 10 months, up to 956 billion kWh — Rosstat

01 декабря 2023
Views: 100

Electricity generation in Russia in October increased by 2.5% in annual terms - to 99.9 billion kWh, over 10 months - increased by 0.5%,

up to 956 billion kWh, Rosstat reported.

“Electricity generation at all types of power plants in October 2023 amounted to 99.9 billion kWh. Compared to October 2022, generation volume increased by 2.5%, and compared to September 2023 – by 13.8%. In January-October 2023, 956 billion kWh of electricity was produced, which is 0.5% more than in the same period in 2022,” Rosstat reports.

It is noted that thermal power plants generated 62.8 billion kWh in October (an increase of 1.6% by October 2022 and 20.4% by September 2023). Over ten months, thermal power plants generated 603 billion kWh, exceeding the figure for the same period in 2022 by 2.1%. Thermal power plants remain the main supplier of electricity for the country's unified power system, producing about 63.1% of all electricity.

Hydroelectric power plants produced 17.7 billion kWh of electricity (13% more than in October last year, and 0.6% more than in September this year). Over ten months, electricity generation at hydroelectric power plants amounted to 169 billion kWh, decreasing by 0.5% in annual terms.

Electricity generation at nuclear power plants decreased by 2.9% compared to October 2022, amounting to 18.8 billion kWh. Compared to September 2023, the increase was 7.4%. In January-October 2023, electricity generation at nuclear power plants amounted to 178 billion kWh, which is 3.2% less than for the same period in 2022.

Electricity generation from renewable energy sources in October amounted to 694 million kWh (2.7% less than in October 2022, but 11.4% more than in September 2023). In January-October, electricity generation based on renewable energy sources amounted to 6.5 billion kWh (8.7% less than a year ago).

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