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Electricity generation by renewables in Russia will grow 5 times by 2030 — A. Novak

14 февраля 2022
Views: 461

Electricity production by power plants  operating on renewable energy sources (RES) in Russia will increase fivefold by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said during his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

“By 2024, we plan to commission more than 4,000 MW of capacity, and by 2030, electricity generation by renewable energy capacities will increase fivefold,” said A. Novak.

He added that in 2021, 1.4 thousand MW of renewable energy capacities were commissioned, which made it possible to increase their total installed capacity in Russia by 1.5 times. At the same time, generation at solar and wind power plants increased by 75%.

At present, Russia has state support measures for the construction of generating facilities based on renewable energy sources, which imply a return on investment with a guaranteed return, and valid  until 2024, but the selection of projects under this program has already been completed.

The second RES generation support program will run from 2025 to 2035. Initially, its volume was supposed to be at the level of 400 billion rubles, but finally it was reduced to about 350 billion rubles. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation expects that by 2035 about 8 GW of renewable energy capacity will be commissioned in Russia.

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