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Electricity indicators for January-December 2023 have been published in the Republic of Azerbaijan

16 января 2024
Views: 155

According to operational data for 2023, the total volume of electricity production in Azerbaijan amounted to 29,276.6 million kWh. Compared to the same period in 2022, electricity production increased by 272.3 million kWh (0.9%).

Over 12 months, electricity production at thermal power plants amounted to 27,160.4 million kWh, at hydroelectric power plants - 1,757.2 million kWh, and from other sources - 359.0 million kWh. The wind farms produced 56.6 million kWh of electricity, the solar power plants produced 79.4 million kWh, and the solid waste incineration plant produced 223.0 million kWh.nm

During the reporting period, the electricity production of Azerenerji OJSC amounted to 26,441.2 million kWh (24,794.2 million kWh at thermal power plants, 1,647.0 million kWh at hydroelectric power plants),

481.0 million kWh at the Nakhchivan AR hydropower plant (325.03 million kWh at thermal power plants, 95.02 million kWh at hydroelectric power plants, 60.93 million kWh at solar power plants), 41.9 million kWh at the wind farms of Azerishig OJSC and 2312.5 million kWh at independent electric power plants).

In 2023, electricity exports amounted to 3252.5 million kWh, imports - 211.8 million kWh.

Electricity generation in Azerbaijan in December 2023 amounted to 2,788.7 million kWh. During the month, exports of produced electricity amounted to 504.3 million kWh, imports – 11.0 million kWh.


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