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Electricity production in the Republic of Azerbaijan increased over four months of this year

16 мая 2023
Views: 85

According to current data for January-April 2023, the total electricity production in Azerbaijan amounted to 9,852.1 million kWh. Compared to the same period in 2022, electricity generation increased by 600.3 million kWh (6.5%) over 4 months.

In the reporting period, compared with January-April last year, electricity generation at TPPs increased by 633.2 million kWh, amounting to 9,266.1 million kWh, at HPPs decreased by 30.8 million kWh, amounting to 462.0 million kWh, and according to other sources decreased by 2.1 million kWh, which is 124.0 million kWh. The WPP generated 21.4 million kWh of electricity, the solar power plant - 19.1 million kWh, the solid waste incineration plant - 83.5 million kWh.

For four months, electricity generation at Azerenergy OJSC amounted to 8,892.8 million kWh (8,459.7 million kWh at TPPs, 433.1 million kWh at HPPs), at the State Energy Agency of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - 128.95 million kWh (85.91 million kWh at TPPs, 25.69 million kWh at HPPs, 17.35 million kWh at SPPs), at Azerishyg OJSC - 16.4 million kWh per WPP, 813.95 million kWh at autonomous SPPs.

In January-April 2023, compared to the same period in 2022, electricity imports increased by 0.4 million kWh, amounting to 41.1 million kWh, exports by 725.6 million kWh, amounting to 1,244.1 million kWh.

It should be noted that in April this year, electricity generation in the republic increased by 48.6 million kWh or 2.4% compared to the same period in 2022, amounting to 2095.9 million kWh. During the month, imports of electricity production amounted to 9.6 million kWh, exports - 9.7 million kWh.


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