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Electricity production in Kyrgyzstan in the 1st half of the year increased by 14% - up to 7.6 billion kWh

24 июля 2023
Views: 81

Electricity generation in Kyrgyzstan in the 1st half of 2023 increased by 14% (by 0.9 billion kWh). Such data are provided by the National Statistical Committee.

For 6 months, 7.6 billion kWh were generated.

In June, compared to the same month in 2022, electricity generation decreased by 3.3% to 1.1 billion kWh.

Earlier, on July 20, at the Cabinet of Ministers meeting, it became known about the government's plans to introduce a state of emergency in the power sector from August 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026.

Energy Minister Taalaibek Ibraev explained the decision by the projected increase in electricity consumption from the current 17.2 billion kWh to 19 kWh by 2026. Thus, the Ministry of Energy expects an increase in the deficit from 3 billion kWh to 5-6 billion kWh. Current generation capacities allow Kyrgyzstan to produce no more than 15 billion kWh per year.

The introduction of a state of emergency in the power sector, according to the minister, will speed up the procedures for the allocation of land for the construction of power plants.

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