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Electricity tariffs in Kazakhstan increased by 7% over year

14 октября 2020
Views: 682

The production and consumption of electricity in the Republic of Kazakhstan has grown symmetrically  in comparison with the last year by a little over than 1%, according to a study by energyprom.kz *.

In January-August 2020, according to the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan  Ministry of National Economy, 69.8 billion kWh of electricity was produced in the country - 0.3% more than in the same period a year earlier. In monetary terms, the production, transmission and distribution of electricity amounted to 787 billion tenge. In whole, the country produced 106.5 billion kWh of electricity in 2019 ˗˗ 0.7% less than in the previous year.

In the regional context, the largest volume traditionally fell on Pavlodar, Karaganda and East Kazakhstan regions: 63.2% of total generation in the country.

In Pavlodar region, 39.1% of the Republic of Kazakhstan electricity was produced: 27.2 billion kWh - 3.2% less than a year earlier. The Karaganda region accounted for 15.2% of electricity production: 10.6 billion kWh - plus 5.1% per year. The last among three leaders, the East Kazakhstan region, accounted for 8.9% of all electricity generation: 6.2 billion kWh ˗˗ by 3.2% less than last year.

The data of the Kazakhstan electricity and capacity market operator differ slightly from the data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy. Electricity production, according to KOREM, for the same eight-month period amounted to 69.4 billion kWh, which is 1.1% more than a year ago. Electricity consumption by Kazakhstanis in January-August 2020 reached 69.3 billion kWh, having increased by 1.2% over the year.

According to the official resource of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the selector meeting of the Republic of Kazakhstan Governm ent, the issue of readiness for the heating season was considered. Energy Minister Nurlan Nogayev and Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Beibut Atamkulov made reports on the measures taken,

It was noted that in the country’s energy sector it is planned to repair 439 high-voltage substations. To date, 25.2 thousand km of power lines and 428 substations have been repaired, representing 97% of the repair plan. It is also planned to complete the repair of power lines.

In September this year, the electricity tariff across the country jumped by 6.6% compared to September last year. Among the regions and megalopolises of the country, the increase in prices most of all felt residents of the West Kazakhstan region (immediately by 19.9% ​​per year), the capital (by 15.5%) and Shymkent (by 10.1%).

A decrease in the cost of electricity was recorded only in one region, the Akmola region, by an insignificant 0.9%.


* Monitoring agency Energyprom.kz specializes in researching the current state and development trends of the Kazakhstani energy and industrial market. It monitors and analyzes the volumes and capacities of manufacturing companies, analyzes the prices of manufactured products, conducts research on current market events.

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