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Energy news of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad - an overview of JSC "Regional Electric Grids" (August 2022)

24 августа 2022
Views: 29908

JSC "Regional Electric Networks" publishes a review "Energy News of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad" (August 2022).


Topics of the reviewed articles:

- Uzbekistan to supply 2.21 billion kWh to Afghanistan in 2022

- Saudi company ACWA Power is building a power plant in the Syrdarya region of Uzbekistan

-  The Turkestan region rushed to New Kazakhstan with energetic steps

- Tariffs are one of the problems of renewable energy development in Kyrgyzstan

- Rosseti will introduce the method of working under voltage in all grid companies of the Group by 2023

- Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions will supplement the guidelines for the digitalization of the municipality

- Who lights Minsk fires and how architectural lighting of buildings works?

- Finnish grid operator Fingrid to double its balance sheet service fee

- RES and the Digital Energy Cluster will present their own developments at Technoprom

- Expert: Green energy today can only exist in addition to traditional

- A number of measures are required to launch the EAEU common electricity market

- Norway to set electricity price ceiling for consumers

- Energy saving: new household appliances consume less electricity

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