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Energy sector of Kyrgyzstan: Ministry of Economy plans to replace retired capacities with innovative technologies in 2022

20 октября 2021
Views: 456

The Medium-term forecast of socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan for 2022-2024, published by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is devoted to the development of the energy sector in 2022.

With a view to sustainable energy development, ensuring energy security of the country and regions, energy efficiency of the real sector of the economy, availability of energy carriers for each consumer, the main directions provided for in the Strategy for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex until 2025 will be implemented.

The priority tasks are the reconstruction and modernization of existing and replacement of retired facilities with the introduction of innovative energy efficient technologies, the implementation of policies aimed at eliminating non-economic barriers, providing transparent, predictable and flexible incentives for the development of renewable energy.

In the context of the functioning of the Kyrgyz Republic in the EAEU, an important task for the republic is the development of internal sources of economic growth by building, diversifying and realizing production potential with the maximum use of the opportunities for economic integration within the EAEU.

This task is being implemented within the framework of the Main Directions of Industrial Cooperation within the EAEU, developed in accordance with Article 92 "Industrial Policy and Cooperation" of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.

“One of the important directions for the development of integration processes in the Eurasian space is the creation of a common electricity market, which is planned no later than 2025. Thanks to the creation of a common EAEU electricity market, its participants will be able to freely choose counterparties from other EAEU countries, which will increase the volume of mutual trade in electricity in the EAEU, increase the economic efficiency and reliability of the functioning of the electric power complexes of the EAEU member states, and make a transition to market-based pricing mechanisms for electricity " , - says the forecast.

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