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Energy Sector of Uzbekistan: Status and Prospects. "News of Uzbekistan". April 9 2022

15 апреля 2022
Views: 351

Electric power industry is an integral component that ensures the economic well-being of any country. The sphere provides the possibility of consistent development of real sectors of the economy, the comfort of the life of citizens, it creates the conditions for the continuous functioning of such major social spheres as education, social security, medical and communal services. It is enough to look at the structure of electricity consumption by sectors of the economy and the population for 2021 to be convinced of this: industry - 35.9%, population - 27.7%, agriculture -16.6%, utilities - 4%, budgetary organizations - 2.4%, transport - 1.5%, construction - 1%, others - 10.8%.

Current situation and prospects at the macro level

According to the Ministry of Energy, in 2021 electricity production increased by 6.1% compared with last year and reached 70.1 billion kWh (Fig. 1.). According to the "Concept of providing the Republic of Uzbekistan with electric energy for 2020-2030" it is expected that electricity production will rise by 72.3% compared with the last year and will reach 120.8 billion kWh, of which RES (HPPs, WPPs, SPPs) - 31.6 billion kWh (26.1%).

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