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Energy supply organizations of the Republic of Belarus completed about half of the planned repair activities for the heating season

01 августа 2023
Views: 110

The repair campaign is taking place in all regions of the country in accordance with the repairs schedules of power and technological equipment at power system facilities.

In particular, 43 units of heat engineering equipment have already undergone major and medium repairs, including 13 power boilers, 7 turbines, 23 hot water and steam boilers.

Works on overhaul of 95 units of electrical equipment have been launched. 85 substations with a voltage of 35-110 kV are undergoing comprehensive repairs.

On special control is  the reconstruction of heating networks. This year, about 210 km of them will be replaced and isolated.

The overhaul of power transmission lines with a total length of 21.9 thousand km is underway.

The necessary dynamics of work is ensured for the timely completion of repairs on time.

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