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Energy workers of the Republic of Belarus are preparing to work during the spring flood

06 марта 2023
Views: 107

Power engineers of the Republic of Belarus are preparing to work during the spring flood.

Last winter was warmer than usual. The average amount of precipitation in most regions of the country exceeded the climatic norm. Some rivers are currently experiencing rising water levels.

To ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers in the event of a flood, technical and organizational measures are being taken to prepare energy system facilities for the upcoming spring season.

The serviceability of drainage systems and drainage facilities is checked, constant monitoring of the technical condition of the coastal pumping stations of HPPs is organized, and equipment of transformer substations and power grids is regularly inspected in flood-prone areas.

Under special control is the condition of the supports of overhead power lines, as well as sections of thermal routes located in areas prone to flooding both during flooding of rivers and melted groundwater.

The necessary stock of materials, tools, machinery and equipment, including special vehicles and watercraft, has been created for the prompt elimination of possible emergencies caused by the passage of floods.

About 1,200 emergency teams and more than 1,400 units of off-road vehicles have been prepared for this work.

The hydrological situation is constantly monitored. Flood commissions have been formed in energy supplying organizations. Power engineers work in cooperation with hydrometeorological services and territorial departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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