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EU adopts energy diplomacy concept aimed at promoting green energy in the world

01 февраля 2021
Views: 2356

EU foreign ministers have approved energy diplomacy concept aimed at promoting green energy in the world, reports the published statement of the EU Council. “The Council underlines that the main target of EU energy diplomacy is to accelerate the global energy transition by promoting energy efficiency and development of renewable energy technologies. At the same time, EU energy diplomacy will be aimed at slowing down investment in infrastructure projects of traditional energy sources development in third countries, if they are not based on the principles of energy neutrality [using additional methods of treatment or offsetting carbon emissions - editor's note]. The EU will also support all efforts to reduce the carbon emissions of the existing traditional types of infrastructure”, the document says, TASS reports.

The EU intends to be particularly active in combating the production and use of coal.  

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