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For the first time since 1995, the Armenian NPP operates at 100% of its thermal capacity. The service life will be extended until 2036

07 марта 2023
Views: 94

For the first time since 1995 (the year of the restart of the second power unit), the Armenian NPP operates at 100% of its thermal capacity instead of 92%. This was announced at a meeting on the territory of the ANPP with the participation of the Prime Minister of the country Nikol Pashinyan, who was presented with a report on the activities of the plant for 2022.

It was indicated that the design life of the second power unit of the ANPP expired in 2016, and due to large-scale modernization works, the life of the power unit was extended by 10 years.

It was reported that the project for re-prolongation of the life of the second power unit of the ANPP is in the process of implementation. The work will be completed in 2023-2026, the concept of the re-prolongation project has been developed and agreed with the Nuclear Safety Regulatory Committee, and a draft decision of the government has also been prepared, thanks to which the process will be launched . As a result, it is expected that the second power unit of the ANPP can be safely used until 2036.

The meeting touched upon the prospects of the energy strategy of the Republic of Armenia, which provides for the development of low-carbon energy production until 2040 through renewable and nuclear energy.

Then, an exchange of views took place, issues of the further activities of the ANPP, the construction of a new power unit, the training of professional personnel, and international cooperation were discussed.

In the context of the development of the Armenian energy sector, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of consistent work on the safe and reliable operation of the nuclear power plant and continuous improvement of management efficiency.

On the spot, the Prime Minister got acquainted with the repaired production systems and equipment of the ANPP, with the work on the modernization of the control panel, information and computing system, as well as other systems that ensure the safe operation of the nuclear power plant.

About Armenian NPP

The Armenian nuclear power plant, the only one in the South Caucasus region, is located near the city of Metsamor, about 30 km west of Yerevan. The plant is one of the main sources of electricity in the country, providing up to 40% of the total generation. Its service life has been extended until 2026, work is underway to re-extend for another 10 years.

It is planned to build a new nuclear power plant in the country within 8-10 years; a variant of a typical standard power unit with a capacity of 1000-1200 MW is being considered. As part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in June 2022 between ANPP CJSC and Rusatom Overseas JSC (a structure of the Rosatom), the process of preparing the construction of a new nuclear power unit in the Republic of Armenia was launched.

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