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For the first time, the scheme and program for the development of electric power systems in Russia was approved

09 марта 2023
Views: 117

Order No. 108 of February 28, 2023 of the Ministry of Energy approved the Scheme and Program for the Development of the Russian Electric Power Systems for 2023–2028, which is the key document of the new planning system for the long-term development of the electric power industry.

Scheme and program for the development of electric power systems in Russia for 2023–2028 (SPD EPS), developed by the UPS System Operator, has replaced the schemes and programs for the development of the UPS of Russia and the electric power industry of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The new planning system for long-term development, which is being introduced in the industry in accordance with the amendments to Federal Law No. 35-FZ “On the Electric Power Industry” adopted in June 2022, is a two-level one. It replaced the three-level model that has been in force since 2010 in the industry and involves the development of two policy documents - the General Scheme for the Alocation of Electricity Facilities for 18 years and the Scheme and Program for the Development of Russia's Electric Power Systems for 6 years with the inclusion in the latter of plans for the development of regional power systems in terms of the backbone grid 110 kV and above. Previously, such a document was developed separately for each region.

For the first time in the history of the development of documents for the prospective development of the electric power industry, on January 20-30, public discussions of the SPD EPS project were held. Based on the results, taking into account the proposals received, a revised draft document was formed, which was sent to the Ministry of Energy for approval.

You can get acquainted with the approved SPD EPS 2023-2028 by clicking on the link: https://minenergo.gov.ru/node/24125.

By September 1, 2023, the System Operator will develop and submit for public discussion a draft SPD EPS of the next period - for 2024–2029.

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