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General preparations for the autumn-winter period are good. The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic summed up the results of nine months

31 октября 2023
Views: 80

A meeting of energy companies and institutions under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic was held on the results of work for the nine months of 2023.

The meeting was attended by the chief expert of the department for monitoring and analysis of reforms of the department of political and economic research of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Benazir Nurlanova, Minister of Energy Taalaibek Ibraev, deputy ministers and heads of institutions subordinate to the ministry, energy companies and their branches.

During the meeting, reports from the ministry, its subordinate administrative departments and fuel and energy complex enterprises on the results of work for nine months of 2023, work plans for the rest of the year and for 2024 were heard and discussed. The issue of implementation of the Board’s decision based on the results of the six months and readiness for the upcoming autumn-winter period was also considered.

At a meeting following the results of nine months, Energy Minister Taalaibek Ibraev emphasized that reducing emergency outages, improving the quality of electricity supplied to consumers, and intensified preparation for the autumn-winter period to successfully overcome the winter are the requirements today.

“Today we all got together to discuss “how are we going to get out of the winter period, how have we prepared?” You all know very well that power engineers are entrusted with the main task of uninterrupted supply of electricity to the population. Energy sector continues to be the support of the people and a reliable sector of society. This is because it is difficult to imagine our life without electricity; everything is connected with electricity. Because of this, we, the energy sector, must work responsibly to justify his trust. Today we sum up the results of nine months. Of course, we have done a good job, there are many changes for the better, however, there is still a lot of work ahead. Therefore, I would like to warn and ask you about one thing: winter is approaching, prepare well, supply of electricity should not be interrupted,” said Minister Taalaibek Ibraev.

In general, the Ministry of Energy is well prepared for the autumn-winter period. To successfully complete the autumn-winter period 2023/2024, on April 1, 2024, it is planned to provide the Toktogul reservoir with 6.7 billion m3 of water. Also this year, it is planned to import up to 3.2 billion kWh of electricity.

Coal consumption in the Kyrgyz Republic as a whole is 1 million 276.0 thousand tons, fuel oil – 54 thousand tons. To date, 739.0 thousand tons of coal have been transported for the population, 189.0 thousand tons of coal for budgetary institutions.

We present to your attention a summary of the report of each institution and energy company in the energy sector based on the results of nine months:

1. To date, NPG of Kyrgyzstan OJSC has installed 128 additional transformer substations, and carried out construction and reconstruction of 414.09 km of overhead lines. There are also 321,669 smart meters installed across the country. In addition, 102 units of special equipment were purchased and distributed to distribution centers.

2. A number of works have also been carried out in the heating industry. Thus, the state enterprise Kyrgyzteploenergo installed 40 new boilers throughout the country. For backup water supply purposes, 9 wells were drilled in the branches.

3. The Bishkekteploset branch received 7 units of special equipment, and 2,385 meters of heat pipes were replaced at its own expense. In addition, 221 private heating points were installed under the World Bank-financed Heating Improvement Project. Also, as part of the Vostok project, 2,326 meters of pipes with a diameter of 900 mm were replaced.

4. In preparation for the autumn-winter period of 2023/2024, for the supply of electricity and heat to the thermal power plant, it is planned to supply fuel in the amount of: 1200 thousand tons of coal, including 550 thousand tons of imported coal grades D, DG, G; 650 thousand tons of Kyrgyz coal, of which: 600 thousand tons of Kavak grade B3, BR and 50 thousand tons of North Fergana coal grade DSS; 70.110 million m3 of natural gas; 5.0 thousand tons of fuel oil.

5. OJSC “Chakan HPP” is actively preparing for the upcoming autumn-winter period. As part of preparation for the winter protection period in all hydroelectric power plants of OJSC "Chakan HPP": ongoing repair work was carried out on all 19 hydroelectric units. The overhaul work has been completed 100%: all three hydraulic units that were planned for the current year have been overhauled. In addition, as part of the reconstruction, a new power transformer with a capacity of 6,300 kVA was installed at the Alamudun-3 hydroelectric power plant. Also, this year, Chakan HPP OJSC is paying special attention to updating its vehicle fleet: two vehicles were purchased.

It should be noted that one of the achievements of Chakan HPP OJSC is that this year the construction of the Bala-Saruu small hydroelectric power plant is actively underway in the Talas region. The launch of a small hydraulic unit is planned by the end of this year.

  6. A huge amount of work is being done by the Kyrgyzkomur State Enterprise. To date, the company has purchased 3 units of special equipment. There is 1 (set of 4) electronic barrier installed in Kara-Keche. Work has been carried out to install video surveillance, 20 video cameras have been installed in Kara-Keche and 7 video cameras in Balykchy. Currently, the price for a ton of coal is determined by the “monopolistic regulation” service under the Ministry of Economy; in Bishkek it is sold at 4,700 soms per ton, and at fuel bases in the southern regions at 5,000 soms.

Fuel depots have been opened in Bishkek in 7 places, in the southern region in 10 places. Since August, 285 thousand tons have been supplied to thermal power plants, budgetary institutions and the population.

In just 9 months, 662 thousand tons of coal were mined in Kara-Keche; since August, 44 thousand 600 tons of coal have been received at the Bishkek Thermal Power Plant.

7. JSC Electric Plants is at the stage of completing preparations for the autumn-winter period of 2023/2024. Today, the volume of water at the Toktogul hydroelectric plant is 11875.50 million cubic meters, the influx of water is 218 cubic meters/hour, the volume of consumed water is 270 cubic meters meter/hour. Capital and current repair work at all hydroelectric power plants is carried out according to the annual schedule. Preparations for the autumn-winter period 2023/2024 are carried out according to the approved plan.

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