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Government Decree of June 9, 2020 No. 1523-r: Mikhail Mishustin approved the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035

11 июня 2020
Views: 632

Among the main objectives of the document is satisfaction of domestic energy demand and energy export development.

The level of gasification of the Russian regions by 2024 will increase from 68.6% to 74.7%, and by 2035 - to 82.9%. Such indicators are included in the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035, approved by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

In addition, the strategy predicts an increase in energy production by 5–9% by 2024, export of fuel and energy complex products by 9–15%, and investment in the industry by 1.35 –1.4 times, compared to 2018.

As strategic goal of the fuel and energy complex, the document fixes the assistance to the socio-economic development of Russia, as well as strengthening and maintaining positions in the global energy industry.

Among the main tasks, are satisfying domestic demand for energy resources, developing exports, modernizing and increasing the availability of infrastructure, achieving technological independence, digital transformation and energy security ensuring.

The strategy focuses on expanding the gas transportation infrastructure in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, developing liquefied natural gas production capacities, and ensuring the stability of the energy system. In addition, reducing the negative impact on the environment of the fuel and energy complex was underlined.

The provisions of the document will be specified in terms of its implementation, as well as in the general schemes for the development of the sectors of the fuel and energy complex.  

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