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"Green" energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: RES generated 59% more electricity than a year earlier

30 июня 2023
Views: 236

According to the results of the first quarter of this year, the installed capacity of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan amounted to 2.5 thousand MW, which is 22.3% more than a year earlier.

Most of the installed capacity came from solar power plants: 45.5% or 1.1 thousand MW, an annual growth of 5.1%.

Another 43.9% of all renewable energy sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan were represented by wind power plants: 1.1 thousand MW, plus 61.9% per year.

The remaining capacities were distributed among hydroelectric power plants (267.4 MW, minus 4.8% per year) and biofuel power plants (total 1.8 MW, an annual reduction of 4.4 times).

Electricity generation by renewable energy facilities in the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 1.5 billion kWh, which is 58.5% more than a year earlier.

Despite the fact that solar power plants have the largest installed capacity, wind farms generate the largest amount of electricity in the country: 1 billion kWh in the first quarter, up 84.1% for the year.

In turn, solar power plants generated 350.3 million kWh of electricity, 26% more than a year earlier.

Electricity generation by small hydropower plants increased by 13.2% over the year, to 124.2 million kWh, by biofuel power plants - by 2.8 times, to 1.1 million kWh.

The share of electricity generated by RES in the total electricity production in the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 4.8%, against 3% a year earlier (plus 1.8 %.).

 Investments directed to the "green" economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole amounted to 103.8 billion tenge in 2021, 13.7% less than a year earlier.

The largest volume fell on the Zhambyl region: 52.4 billion tenge, annual growth - 8.3 times. The top three also included Aktobe (25.6 billion tenge, annual growth of 2.6 times) and Akmola (11.2 billion tenge, minus 81.5% per year) regions.

Meanwhile, this year, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is preparing to finance the 100 MW Shokpar wind farm project. The goal of the project is to support Kazakhstan's energy transition by increasing the installed capacity of wind farms.

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