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Heating season 2022-2023: on the preparation of energy enterprises of the regions of Kazakhstan for the autumn-winter period

06 сентября 2022
Views: 87

On September 6, 2022, at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bolat Akchulakov, spoke about the preparations for the energy enterprises of the country's regions for the upcoming heating season.

As of September 2, at KEGOC power plants, according to the schedule, repair work was completed at 4 power units, 25 boilers, 23 turbines, and repair work at various stages is being carried out at 4 power units, 27 boilers and 16 turbines.

According to the data of local executive bodies, 1073 boilers were repaired and prepared for the new heating period at 487 central heating boiler houses, which is 90% of the total plan.

The readiness of power grid is estimated at 70% - for lines, and 46% - for substations. The total length of the planned repairs of transmission lines was 20,201 km, as well as 712 units of high-voltage substations. To date, repairs have been completed at 14,047 km of power lines and 331 substations. Repair work of electrical networks is proceeding in accordance with the approved schedules and will be completed on time.

There is a failure to meet the deadlines for repairs of the main equipment of power plants in the Karaganda and East Kazakhstan regions.

In addition, there are regions where major repairs were postponed by energy enterprises to 2023, namely: Karaganda region, Mangystau region and Shymkent.

Currently, work continues on the accumulation of fuel at power plants, in the warehouses of energy sources, the stock of coal is 3.9 million tons and 83 thousand tons of fuel oil, which generally complies with the approved standards. In 5 plants, the stock of coal does not meet the existing standards: at the Semey CHPP-1; at the Ridder CHPP; at Shakhtinskaya CHPP-2; at the Zhezkazgan CHPP; at the Petropavlovsk TPP.

According to the analysis of readiness for the autumn-winter period, the North Kazakhstan region, Turkestan region, Mangystau region, Akmola region, Pavlodar region, Abay region and Nur-Sultan, taking into account various reasons, are identified as regions that require special attention to the current heating season passage.

At the meeting of the Government, it also became known that in August 2022 the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the “Schedule for assigning the regions and the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent to the main resource holders of oil and oil products for the supply of fuel oil to social and productive facilities and institutions in autumn-winter period 2022-2023" in accordance with the applications of local executive bodies in the amount of 218.6 thousand tons at a price of 115,000 tenge per ton.

At the end of his speech, Bolat Akchulakov paid special attention to the following problematic issues: repair work at power plants and grid, which must be completed in full; ensuring the required number of rolling stock for the accumulation of a standard fuel reserve at energy sources; reducing debt to fuel suppliers; taking measures to reduce the receivables of utility consumers to suppliers; timely connection to the heat supply system of social and cultural facilities, settlements of the country; ensuring a stable supply of coal and fuel oil to power plants, boiler houses and for the needs of the population of the regions during the heating period.

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