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Implementation of the Project for Modernization and Sustainability of the Energy Sector of the Kyrgyz Republic financed by the World Bank

26 апреля 2022
Views: 547

At the moment, preparations are underway for the implementation of the Project for the Modernization and Sustainability of the Energy Sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, financed by the World Bank (IDA).

The goal of this project is to improve the financial performance, operational reliability and social sustainability of the electric power sector. The proposed project aims to improve the operational efficiency of the energy sector in a multifaceted way - loss reduction techniques; modernization and digitalization of the system through advanced accounting and management infrastructure; as well as commercial information systems. The project covers the entire territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Proposed components of the project.

Component 1. Rehabilitation and modernization of distribution networks. This component is aimed at reducing losses in the system and improving the reliability of power supply in certain sections of the distribution network, where distribution congestion (obsolete and / or overloaded) is already present, taking into account the constant demand growth.

Component 2. Digitization of the distribution network. This component will focus on the application of digital solutions and the reduction of commercial losses.

Component 3. Strengthening social protection systems. The purpose of this component is to support the strengthening of the social protection system. The main activities under the social protection component will include consulting services, training, IT-related software and hardware, operating costs. In particular, the development and implementation of software for creating a Unified Database of Households Receiving Social Assistance (IS "Electronic Aiyl Okmotu" and Corporate Social Assistance Information System (SCAIS)) and technical equipment for strengthening server equipment and a server room to ensure fault-tolerant, safe operation of active server and network equipment, taking into account further scaling for the server room of the central office of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Component 4. Institutional development and project implementation support. This component will support the development and implementation of priority energy sector reforms, strengthening energy sector governance, developing the necessary institutional capacity of energy stakeholder representatives, and expanding project implementation support for project beneficiaries. Specific activities under this component will include: creation of a sectoral planning department in the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic and project beneficiaries; modernization of business processes of distribution companies; training in network design, proper installation of equipment, reduction of losses in the power system and basic financial management; development and implementation of communication campaigns supporting tariff reforms; as well as a gender action plan and customer satisfaction surveys, development of a feasibility study for future priority investment projects, project implementation support to the executing agency.

On April 12, 2022, public hearings were held, where the draft documents "Fundamentals of Environmental and Social Management" (ESMF), "Stakeholder Engagement Plan" (SEP), "Resettlement Policy Framework" (RPF), "Procedures for regulating labor relations" were considered (PRLR) and the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), and taking into account the comments and wishes of the participants, the Stakeholder Engagement Plan and the draft Environmental and Social Commitment Plan were finalized.



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