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Import Tariffs. At what price did Kyrgyzstan buy electricity from other countries in 2022?

01 сентября 2022
Views: 89

The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic predicted an increase in electricity imports in 2022. As Minister Doskul Bekmurzaev explained, the growth in imports is due to a decrease in electricity generation at hydroelectric power plants from 12.8 to 10.9 billion kWh.

As a result, the Ministry of Energy plans to import 2.7 billion kWh of electricity from other countries, while in 2021 imports amounted to 1.2 billion kWh.

According to the Kyrgyz Energy Settlement Center OJSC, electricity imports in the first half of 2022 reached 1.6 billion kWh and more than double the level of the first half of 2021. In general, over the past year, Kyrgyzstan imported about 1.7 billion kWh.

When purchasing electricity from outside, the Ministry of Energy does not disclose its cost, referring to the requests of exporting countries.

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