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In 2020, technical losses in the networks of the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan amounted to 835.6 million kWh

11 мая 2021
Views: 915

For 12 months of 2020, technical losses  in the networks of the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan (NEGK) amounted to 835.6 million kWh or 5.57% against the planned target of 859.5 million kWh or 5.84% of the 14,992.47 million kWh electricity supply to the network .

As stated in the company's report, a decrease in technical losses for 12 months of 2020 by 23.91 million kWh or 0.27% of the relative planned target is explained by a change in the actual structure of the electricity balance relative to the planned one:

- a decrease in the actual transmission of electricity by 972.23 million kWh along the 500 kV overhead lines L-509 and L-555 relative to the plan (plan - 4,252.81 million kWh, actual - 3,280.57 million kWh);

- an increase in the generation of the Bishkek CHPP relative to the plan by 77.98 million kWh (the plan for 2020 is 1,320.93 million kWh, the fact of 2020 is 1,398.9 million kWh), leading to a decrease in transit losses of electricity from southern generating sources  to the north of the power system.

- implementation of the measures provided for by the plan of organizational and technical measures to reduce  losses in power grids for 2020 by 25.76 million kWh against the plan of 19.07 million kWh.

Compared to the same period in 2019, the absolute value of losses increased by 35.3 million kWh, and the relative amount of losses increased by 0.09% (2019 report - 800.3 million kWh or 5.48%), which is explained by the change in the actual structure of the electricity balance relative to 2019:

- an increase in the flow of electricity to the networks of NEGK by 392.1 million kWh compared to 2019 (fact of 2019 - 14,604.3 million kWh, fact of 2020 - 14,992.4 million kWh);

- an increase in the actual transmission of electricity by 447.6 million kWh along the 500 kV overhead lines L-509 and L-555 relative to 2019 (fact of 2019 - 2,832.9 million kWh, fact of 2020 - 3280.6 million kW • h);

- an increase in the actual transmission of electricity volumes for distribution power companies by 566.4 million kWh (fact of 2019 - 11,656.13 million kWh, fact of 2020 - 12,222.6 million kWh) relative to 2019.

In November 2019, a tie-in was carried out in the Uzbek energy system of the Turakurgan TPP, with an installed capacity of 900 MW, into the interstate 220 kV overhead line Kristall-Sardor, which has a strong effect on the redistribution of flows to the 500-220 kV overhead line at Jalalabad High Voltage Electric Networks Enterprise (JHVENE) (technical losses at JHVENE in 2019 - 280.13 million kWh or 2.29%; in 2020 - 310.26 million kWh or 2.59%), which, as a result, leads to an increase in electricity losses in the networks of JSC NEG of Kyrgyzstan.

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