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In 2023, 31.1 billion soms are provided for financing the energy sector of the Kyrgyz Republic

20 апреля 2023
Views: 110

In 2023, funds in the amount of 31.1 billion soms are provided for financing the energy sector, of which 21.9 billion soms are budgetary funds, 26.4 billion soms in a special account and 9.1 billion soms in public investments.

The cost of subsidizing thermal energy of the State Enterprise "Kyrgyzteploenergo" is provided for 1.5 billion soms. As of April 1, 800.9 million soms (51%) were allocated.


In the republican budget for 2023, 1.2 billion soms are provided for local state administrations, which are necessary to cover the costs of electricity consumed by institutions financed by local budgets. As of April 1, 486.2 million soms (42%) were financed.

Budget loans in 2023 are provided in the amount of 4.7 billion soms, 255 million soms were allocated, of which:

• OJSC "Electric Stations" - a project for 3 billion soms was approved.

• JSC "Chakan HPP" 2 billion soms for the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant "Bala-Saruu" at the Kirovsky reservoir of the Manas district of the Talas region (at the expense of the republican budget - 1300 million soms and at the expense of the savings accounts of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic - 700 million soms; ( order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated April 15, 2022 No. 202-r).

For the implementation of the Action Plan for the construction of facilities of the preparatory period with the design and survey work of the construction project of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1, a budget loan from Electric Stations OJSC in the amount of 1.6 billion soms.

Demand by years:

- 2022 - 117.5 million soms (fully allocated);

- 2023 - 816.7 million soms;

- 2024 - 621.4 million soms. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of 28.06.2022 No. 358-r).

As of April 1, 2023, 180.0 million soms were allocated.

• For the construction of a small hydroelectric power station at the Orto-Tokoi Reservoir. a budget loan in the amount of 350 million soms is provided.


In order to improve the financial stability of state strategic energy enterprises, 10.8 billion soms are provided for Electric Stations OJSC and the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan to increase authorized capital. As of 04/01/2023 536.7 million soms were allocated (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated November 28, 2022 No. 661).

125.2 million soms are provided for administrative expenses of the Ministry of Energy (budget, special account funds).

As of 04/01/2023 44.1 million soms were allocated.

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