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In Belarus in 2023, hydroelectric power plants generated more than 300 million kWh of electricity

29 января 2024
Views: 150

In Belarus in 2023, hydroelectric power plants generated more than 300 million kWh of electricity

This made it possible to replace 32.6 million m3 of natural gas.

There are 53 hydroelectric power plants in the country with a total capacity of about 96 MW. The largest are the Vitebsk and Polotsk hydroelectric power plants.

As Deputy Minister of Energy Olga Prudnikova noted, in general, the capacity of renewable energy sources in the republic is 608 MW.

In addition to hydroelectric powerplants, wind turbines operate, solar energy is used, and biogas complexes operate. The total electricity production from these sources over the past year was 1.2 billion kWh.

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