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In Belarus, it was proposed to train personnel for the energy system of the Union State on the basis of the MPEI

11 ноября 2022
Views: 157

At a meeting of the Belarus and Russia Union Parliamentary Assembly commission on energy and transport Belarusian side proposed to allocate funds from the budget of the Union State for the training of scientific personnel in the field of energy on the basis of the Moscow Energy Institute. This was announced on Thursday by the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus.

"According to Aleksey Kushnarenko, Chairman of the Commission, General Director of the Beltopgaz enterprise, while the Commission is working on the preparation of proposals for the development of programs and projects for the formation of the Union State budget for 2023, the Belarusian side proposed an initiative in the field of training personnel of the highest scientific qualification in energy specialties. In particular, it was proposed to organize the training of graduate students for higher educational institutions in energy specialties on the basis of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

The proposal was supported by the Russian side, the department added.

In total, eight joint programs, one project and 33 actions are planned to be implemented in the Union State in 2023.

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