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In Kazakhstan, amendments are being introduced to the Rules and terms of training, instructing and testing knowledge on safety and labor protection for employees, managers and persons responsible for ensuring labor safety and health

22 июля 2021
Views: 744

The corresponding order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan Population was signed on April 29, 2021.

According to the amendments, training and testing of employees' knowledge on occupational safety and health issues is carried out at least once a year.

The document says that managers and persons responsible for ensuring occupational safety and health, periodically, at least once every three years, undergo training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health issues in training centers.

Training and knowledge testing on occupational safety and health issues is carried out in full-time form or remotely using networking technology in online mode.

Training centers must have facilities and resources, including:

• classroom (own or rented), equipped with audio and video equipment;

• computers for testing;

• visual aids on various training topics;

• teaching materials (periodicals).

To organize the educational process in distance learning, the training center must have:

1. An educational portal with pages containing educational-methodological and organizational-administrative information for students and educational content.

2. Multimedia classes with the ability to conduct online training (videoconference) via the Internet.

The examination committee consists of the chairman and members of the committee. The examination commission includes the head of the training center, specialists from state bodies of supervision and control (as agreed), a representative of employees, as well as teachers of specialized educational institutions, lawyers, engineering and technical workers, specialists of safety and labor protection services of large industrial organizations with a higher or postgraduate education, as well as at least 5 years of work experience in the field of occupational safety and health and a certificate of completion of training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health.

To test the knowledge of responsible employees, the examination committee conducts testing.

The testing process is recorded by video and audio recording in order to identify the examinees and control the process itself. The record is kept for six months.

Responsible employees who have not passed the knowledge test on occupational safety and health are suspended from work until it is repeated.

The order came into effect on July 15.

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