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In Kazakhstan, energy facilities will be confiscated from their owners if they are improperly maintained

26 апреля 2023
Views: 101

The total length of heat supply networks in the republic is about 14 thousand km. The average depreciation in the country reaches 54%.

In Kazakhstan, the state will have the legal right to seize power facilities from their owners if they are improperly maintained.

Prime Minister of the Republic A. Smailov announced this at a government meeting.

Theses of A. Smailov:

completed the technical audit of the power plants of the republic, which was carried out with the involvement of international consultants;

as a result, a rating was formed in terms of wear, operating time of the main equipment, fuel consumption, technological violations, etc.;

further action plans are being prepared;

at the same time, road maps are being formed for all 37 CHPPs together with akimats to prepare for the upcoming heating season;

this year, the government will legislatively strengthen the activities of energy supervision, which will receive the right to unscheduled inspections;

the state will receive the legislative right to withdraw power facilities from property in case of their improper maintenance, if this poses a threat to the operation of life support systems;

the government, akimats and owners will, as a matter of priority, provide funding for relevant projects for the repair and reconstruction of the energy infrastructure;

based on the applications of the regions, a pool of 47 projects was formed to replace heat supply networks in the amount of 69 billion tenge;

2 thousand km. thermal networks with wear and tear of about 77% are privately owned;

in this regard, it is required to tighten control over their condition and mandatory repair work;

it is necessary to increase the responsibility of the owners of power facilities, to provide for this in contracts for the provision of services;

execution should become not advisory, but strictly obligatory;

the issue of reconstruction of private heating networks through budgetary lending should also be worked out;

in this case, the return of funds will be carried out within the framework of the Tariff program in exchange for investments.

According to the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development M. Karabaev:

the total length of heat supply networks in the republic is about 14 thousand km;

average wear in the country reaches 54% - replacement of 7.5 thousand km is required;

the highest level of deterioration is observed in the Abayskaya, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan regions;

in 2023, 69.4 billion tenge was allocated from the budget for the implementation of 47 communications projects with a depreciation rate of more than 75%;

with these funds it is planned to reconstruct about 107 km of heating networks;

in general, by 2029, the task is to reduce the wear and tear of heat pipelines to 43%.

The Prime Minister instructed the responsible bodies to approve the action plan for the preparation of all housing and communal services, housing and social facilities for the upcoming heating season and immediately begin its implementation.

At the same time, A. Smailov outlined the need to complete the technical examination of existing heating networks by June 1 and, based on the results, determine the feasibility of transferring private networks in emergency condition to communal ownership.

Recall that in 2022, several major accidents occurred at thermal power plants in the republic, including in the city of Ekibastuz, a local emergency of a man-made nature was declared due to an accident in heating networks.

November 28, 2022 President of Kazakhstan K.-J. Tokayev instructed the government to consider returning troubled energy assets to state ownership.

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