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In Minsk, the leaders of the State Production Association "Belenergo" and JSC "SO UES" studied the experience of updating the power industry system

19 мая 2023
Views: 151

Minsk hosted a meeting of the leaders of State Production Association Belenergo and JSC SO UPS, the purpose of which was to study the Belarusian side of Russian approaches to the development of documents for the prospective development of the electric power industry.

The meeting was attended by Sergey Pavlushko, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of SO UPS JSC, and Denis Pilenieks, Director for Development of the UPS, Head of Directorate.

Sergey Pavlushko told the meeting participants in detail about the modernized planning system for long-term development, which is being introduced in the industry in accordance with the amendments to Federal Law No. 35-FZ “On the Electric Power Industry” adopted in June 2022.

He presented to the Belarusian colleagues the goals, objectives and functions of the program documents of the new system - the General Scheme for the Alocation of Electric Power Facilities and the Scheme and Program for the Development of the Russian Electric Power Systems with the inclusion in the latter of plans for the development of regional power systems in terms of the backbone network of 110 kV and above.

Sergey Pavlushko emphasized that the functions are distributed in the new system and those responsible for the development of long-term development documents are identified: The system operator is responsible for the centralized design of the development of power systems and the development of the general scheme and C&D of the EPS of Russia, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are responsible for reviewing the project of the SPD of the EPS of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of Russia - for the approval of long-term planning documents.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the System Operator dwelled in detail on the regulatory framework of the new system, including the new Rules for the development and approval of documents for the prospective development of the electric power industry, the role of grid organizations, and also drew the attention of the meeting participants to the fact that the documents for prospective development are subject to mandatory public discussion, ensuring openness and transparency of the process of developing strategic documents for the industry.

He also spoke about the ongoing work to streamline the system for generating initial data for long-term development documents.

Denis Pilenieks acquainted his colleagues with one of the basic normative documents of the new system - the Guidelines for Designing the Development of Energy Systems. This document is intended to ensure the adoption of technically justified, cost-effective and balanced decisions, taking into account the current socio-economic needs of the regions and the established parameters for the reliability of energy systems.

The UPS Development Director spoke in detail about the methodology for forecasting the consumption of electrical energy and capacity, the rationale for a rational long-term structure of generating capacities, ensuring the balance reliability of energy systems in the design, decision-making criteria for the development of electric power systems, as well as one of the key innovations in long-term planning - the assessment of economic consequences when developing and adopting long-term development documents.

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