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In September-November 2020, Tajikistan's hydroelectric power plants produced just over 3.8 billion kWh of electricity

22 декабря 2020
Views: 30408

In September-November 2020, Tajikistan's hydroelectric power plants produced just over 3.8 billion kWh of electricity, which is 8% (300 million kWh) less than in the same period of 2019, the country's statistical office reports.

A year earlier, about 4.1 billion kWh were generated in the same period.

In general, taking into account thermal power plants, in January-November of this year, more than 17.7 billion kWh of electricity were produced. That is 5.3% (by 1 billion kWh) less than in this period of 2019. The average daily electricity generation in January-November this year amounted to about 53 million kWh.

The share of hydroelectric power plants in the total volume of electricity production for 9 months of this year amounted to 92.3%, and of co-generation plants - 7.7%.

The supply of electricity to neighboring countries since the beginning of 2020 was in the amount of  $ 53 million, which is 41.9% ($ 38.2 million) less than in January-November 2019.

In particular, in the fall of this year, electricity was imported in the amount of more than $ 6.6 million. This is 55% ($ 8.2 million) less than in September-November 2019.

It should be noted that throughout the past autumn, the regions of the country, except for a relatively large cities, received electricity only for a few hours a day.

The Barki Tochik OJSC explained this by carrying out maintenance and repair work at hydroelectric power plants, power lines and substations.

The republic's power supply has been restored in the required volumes since December 10.

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