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In the Republic of Uzbekistan since the beginning of this year as a result of 212 violations committed by electricity consumers, 34.5 billion Uzbekistani soms were recounted

23 июня 2020
Views: 600

Since the beginning of 2020, because of the ongoing work of the Inspectorate for Power Industry Supervision under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 244.2 million kWh of electricity has been saved.

“Uzenergoinspection” performs state supervision over legal documentation in the field of production, supply, distribution and consumption of electric and thermal energy, and the use of coal by legal and individual entities (in addition to the population) with.

Since the beginning of the year, plans have been implemented for energy audits of 13 enterprises that jointly consume more than 2 thousand tons of standard fuel per year.

This work allowed analyzing the compliance of the activities of audited business entities with the current legal framework in the electric power industry, identifying existing violations and returning unauthorized energy to the state and consumers.

In addition, over the past months of the year, during the joint raids of “Uzenergoinspection” and the Compulsory Enforcement Bureau, offenses committed by 212 consumers were revealed. As a result, recalculation was made, amounting to 34.5 billion Uzbekistani soms.

Another of the priority tasks of “Uzenergoinspection” is the development and analysis of regulatory documents in the field of energy sector. This work is currently of special actuality in connection with the process of the electric power industry large-scale reform.

In accordance with this, since the beginning of 2020, 38 regulatory legal documents have been reviewed for introducing relevant amendments to existing regulatory legal acts, their revision and invalidation. In particular, proposals were prepared on introducing amendments and additions to 2 laws and 13 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.

The functions of “Uzenergoinspection” also include determination on the verification and commissioning of new and reconstructed electrical equipment. This work is aimed at ensuring safety in the power industry, including when commissioning new facilities. So, “Uzenergoinspection” reviewed power supply projects of 2875 entities, which will be put into operation this year. In the whole country, electrical facilities of 1987 consumers with a total capacity of more than 378 MW, including large industrial facilities were inspected and opinions were delivered.


Press Service of the Ministry of Energy

in collaboration with the press service of " Uzenergoinspection"

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