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In the Russian Federation, in connection with the approval of the Guidelines for the design of the development of power systems in order to avoid duplication of the provisions of the regulatory legal act, national standards in the field of planning the de

25 июля 2023
Views: 124

From July 1, 2023, by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 30, 2023 No. 463-st, the national standards of the Russian Federation were canceled:

• GOST R 58057-2018 “Unified power system and isolated power systems. Planning for the development of power systems. General requirements";

• GOST R 58730-2019 “Unified power system and isolated power systems. Planning for the development of power systems. Calculations of balance reliability. Norms and requirements".

National standards were canceled due to the approval of the Guidelines for the design of the development of power systems (order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 6, 2022 No. 1286, entered into force on January 1, 2023) in order to avoid duplication of the provisions of the regulatory legal act.

Guidelines for the design of the development of power systems establish current regulatory requirements for planning the development of power systems, including requirements for the development of a general scheme, requirements for ensuring the balance reliability of power systems, schemes and programs for the development of power systems in Russia, determining technical solutions when developing power distribution schemes, external power supply schemes, technological connection to electric networks, construction, reconstruction of electric power facilities, their modernization and technical re-equipment, as well as in the development of replacement measures necessary to ensure the possibility of decommissioning electric power facilities.

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