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In Uzbekistan in 2025, 50% of electricity will be generated by new 18 thermal, solar and wind power plants

07 октября 2021
Views: 332

Over the two and a half years since the establishment of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 18 investment agreements in the electric power industry were signed for the construction and commissioning of power plants with a total capacity of 7331 MW by 2025 (this is 50% of the current electricity generation in Uzbekistan). Accordingly, thermal, solar and wind power plants using high-tech equipment will be built in various regions of the country.

In the Samarkand region, by 2023, 2 solar photovoltaic power plants (SPP) with a total capacity of 320 MW will be commissioned. Among them:

1. SPP with a capacity of 100 MW in the Nurabad region, which will be commissioned in December 2021 by Total Eren (France);

2. SPP with a capacity of 220 MW in the Kattakurgan region, which will be commissioned in May 2023 by Masdar (UAE).

In the Gallaaral district of Jizzakh region, Masdar (UAE) will commission a 220 MW PV power plant in May 2023.

By the beginning of 2023, 3 solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 800 MW will be constructed in Navoi region. Among them:

1.SPP with a capacity of 100 MW in the Karmaninsky district, which was commissioned by Masdar (UAE) in August 2021;

2.SPP with a capacity of 200 MW in the Nurata region, which will be commissioned by the Phanes Group (UAE) in July 2023;

3. Wind power plant (WPP) with a capacity of 500 MW in the Tamdyn region, which will be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2024 by Masdar (UAE).

In the Syrdarya region, by 2023, two thermal power plants (TPPs) with a capacity of 1,720 MW will be commissioned. Among them:

1. TPP with a capacity of 220 MW in Yangiyer, which will be commissioned by Cengiz Enerji (Turkey) in September 2022;

2. TPP with a capacity of 1500 MW in Shirin, which will be commissioned by ACWA Power (Saudi Arabia) in the fourth quarter of 2023.

In the Tashkent region in 2021-2022, 3 thermal power plants with a total capacity of 710 MW will be put into operation. Among them:

1. TPP with a capacity of 240 MW in the Kibray region will be commissioned by Aksa Enerji (Turkey) at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021;

2. TPP with a capacity of 230 MW in the Kibray region, which will be commissioned in December 2021 by Aksa Enerji (Turkey);

3. TPP with a capacity of 240 MW in Kibray region - will be put into operation by Cengiz Energy (Turkey) in December 2021.

In the Bukhara region, thermal and wind power plants with a total capacity of 1,270 MW will be commissioned by 2024. Among them:

1. WPP with a capacity of 500 MW in the Peshkun region, which will be commissioned in December 2023 by ACWA Power (Saudi Arabia);

2. WPP with a capacity of 500 MW in the Gijduvan region, which ACWA Power (Saudi Arabia) will commission in December 2023;

3. TPP with a capacity of 270 MW in the Bukhara region, which will be commissioned in December 2021 by Aksa Enerji (Turkey).

In the Yangiarik district of the Khorezm region, in December 2021, Odas Enerji (Turkey) will commission a TPP with a capacity of 174 MW.

In the Surkhandarya region, solar and thermal power plants with a total capacity of 2017 MW will be commissioned by 2025, including:

1.SPP with a capacity of 457 MW in the Sherabad region will be commissioned by Masdar (UAE) in July 2023;

2. A TPP with a capacity of 1,560 MW in the Angora region in December 2024 will be commissioned by Stone City Energy (Holland).

In the Karauzyak region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, a 100 MW WPP will be commissioned by ACWA Power (Saudi Arabia) in 2024.

The total capacity of the power plants to be commissioned by 2025 will be 7331 MW.


In addition, projects for the construction of thermal, solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 2,000 MW are at the tender stage.

Tenders have been announced for the construction of a CHPP with a capacity of 1500 MW in the city of Shirin, Syrdarya region.

Tenders have been announced for the construction of solar photovoltaic stations with a total capacity of 500 MW in Bukhara (250 MW), Khorezm (100 MW) and Namangan (150 MW) regions.

In particular, in 2021 it is planned to announce a tender for the construction of solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 600 MW, including:

1. Construction of solar photovoltaic stations with a total capacity of 400 MW in Kashkadarya and Fergana regions.

2. Construction of a wind power plant with a capacity of 200 MW in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

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