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Information on the progress of construction of CASA-1000 in Kyrgyzstan

24 августа 2022
Views: 74

As part of the implementation of the CASA-1000 project in Kyrgyzstan, the construction of a 500 kV transmission line is underway.

In total, 455.6 kilometers of transmission lines will be laid in Kyrgyzstan from the 500 kV bay, which will be built specifically for this transmission line at the 500 kV Datka substation, from which the line will stretch through Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken regions to the border with Tajikistan.

To date, the following construction works have been completed:

The construction of access roads to the construction sites of pylons was completed for 1164 pylons (93.9%), digging pits for pylons - 1164 (93.9%), reinforcement and pouring of concrete - 1107 (89.2%), installation of pylons - 744 (60 %). A total of 1241 pylons will be built under the project.

Currently, active work is being carried out in Batken, Osh and Jalal-Abad regions. The work involves 150 units of special equipment, special purpose vehicles, vehicles and 329 workers, of which about 70% are local residents.

In addition, today in the Jalal-Abad region, construction and installation work has begun on a 500 kV bay at the Datka substation under the CASA-1000 project.

To mobilize specialists for the construction of infrastructure facilities in these three regions, 6 construction bases have been created.

Reference: CASA-1000 is designed to connect the energy systems of Central Asia with South Asia - Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan with Afghanistan and Pakistan and develop mechanisms for electricity trade in accordance with international standards.

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