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Information on the work done by the Ministry of Energy and JSC "Thermal Power Plants" (TPP) of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide the population, social facilities and sectors of the economy with sustainable electricity in the autumn-winter period 2021

22 ноября 2021
Views: 507

At the end of 10 months of 2021, thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants of TPPs produced 48.9 billion kWh of electricity. This is 106.2% compared to the plan and 112.2% compared to the same period in 2020.

For a reliable passage of the autumn-winter period 2021-2022 taking into account electricity consumption in the period from October 2021 to April 2022, it is planned to generate 31.7 billion kWh of electricity, which is an average of 200 million kWh per day.

In order to ensure the stable operation of power facilities in the autumn-winter period, the following work was carried out:

  • overhaul, medium and current repairs of 7 power units, 13 boilers, 2 turbine units, 7 steam-gas units and 1 gas turbine unit were carried out, all repair work was carried out in full;
  • 700.8 billion soums were allocated to carry out repair work in 2021. This is 220% more than last year, which indicates the increased attention of the country's leadership to the development of the industry this year;
  • after the full implementation of the planned repair work, it was possible to increase the existing capacity of power plants by 282 MW.


  • together with the National Dispatch Center, the installation of combined-cycle power units at the Navoi, Turakurgan, Talimarjan, Takhiatash, Tashkent thermal power plants was brought into line with the standards in order to prevent the negative impact of external power transmission systems;
  • with LLC "Uzassistem", steam and gas plants at the Takhiatash TPP were brought in line with the system requirements;
  • to improve the quality of fuel at the Turakurgan, Navoi and Talimarjan thermal power plants, additional gas-cleaning filters-separators were installed;
  • the protection systems for high voltage transmission lines have been revised;
  • in preparation for the autumn-winter season, a stock of fuel and lubricants, turbine and transformer oils, chemical reagents, spare parts was created;
  • in order to prevent and promptly eliminate emergency shutdowns, to ensure the stability of production facilities throughout the season, a 24-hour work headquarters and a dispatch monitoring center have been created;
  • at the enterprises of the system, additional duty groups have been created, working around the clock, consisting of responsible persons and specialists.


Press office of the Ministry of Energy and

Press service of JSC "Thermal Power Plants"

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