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Information provided to the media at the end of the year by the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic

11 декабря 2023
Views: 73

To provide the republic’s domestic consumers with a sufficient amount of electricity, taking into account the difficult situation of water resources accumulation in the Toktogul reservoir, electricity imports by 2023 will amount to 3.2 billion kWh. Agreements have been concluded with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation.

During January-October of this year, 10,671.3 million kWh of electricity was received in the Electric Network Company (ENC) of NES of Kyrgyzstan OJSC, which is 871.1 million kWh or 8.3% more than for the same period in 2022 (9,800 .2 million kWh);

Electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV networks of ENC for January-October 2023 amounted to 10.29% or 1097.9 million kWh, which is 0.82% less than the standard;

Technical losses of electricity in 110-500 kV networks amounted to 698.34 million kWh or 5.35%;

The number of consumers as of November 1, 2023 amounted to 1,549,579 (households - 1,440,633, non-residential - 108,946) and increased from the beginning of the year by 25,262 subscribers (as of 01/01/2023 there were 524,317 subscribers).

9505.0 million kWh of electricity was usefully supplied to consumers, compared to this period in 2022 (8685.8 million kWh) by 819.2 million kWh or 9.4% more.

Medium-term tariff policy for electrical energy:

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic “On amendments to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of the Medium-term tariff policy of the Kyrgyz Republic for electric energy for 2021-2025” dated September 30, 2021 No. 192” dated April 6, 2023 No. 199” approved electricity tariffs for end consumers from May 1, 2023.

Additional income from the application of tariffs from May 1, 2023 to the end of 2023 is expected in the amount of 1.5 billion soms.

Work performed during the implementation of investment projects:


455.6 km – High voltage overhead power lines;

• A positive conclusion of the state examination was received on the design documentation for the construction of a 500 kV substation at the 500 kV Datka substation;

• Construction work is 99% complete.

Memorandums and agreements signed during the implementation of investment projects

A total of 70 documents were signed:

• Memorandums – 45 (HPP – 13; SPP, CPP – 26; other (power plant, equipment supply) – 5; reconstruction of CHPP-Selmash – 1);

• Cooperation agreements (of intent) – 21 (Coal – 12; SPP, IES, HPP – 9);

• Road maps – 4 (RES – 3, HPP – 1).

Hydroelectric power plants:

• As a result of the reconstruction of the At-Bashi hydroelectric power plant, its capacity was increased from 40 MW to 45.7 MW. The service life of the hydroelectric power plant has been extended to 25-40 years.

• Reconstruction of the Toktogul hydroelectric power plant, capacity increased from 300 MW to 360 (+60) MW with the commissioning of 2 hydroelectric units.


Large Projects:

Construction of Kambarata HPP-1 (1860 MW), 2021-2029.


• Transport tunnel 32 m;

• The access road was lowered by 31 m;

• The road to Cut No. 2 is ready for 6.5 km, of which 958 m are being prepared for concrete pouring;

• 80% of power lines have been delivered.

A tender is announced for the installation of a substation.

The World Bank allocated $5 million for the implementation of the feasibility study.

Commissioning of renewable energy facilities in 2023

Currently, 27 SHPPs (69.7 MW) are operating.

5 small hydroelectric power stations were put into operation:

• Buiga – 0.4 MW, Osh region. Kara-Kuldzha district;

• Aigyr-Jal – 1.2 MW, Jalal-Abad region, Suzak district;

• Tostu – 0.5 MW, Jalal-Abad region, Aksy district;

• Ala-Bashskaya HPP-1 – 4.5 MW, Issyk-Kul region, Tongsky district;

• CN Energy LLC – 100 kV, Chui region, Kemin district.

Total capacity: 6.6 MW

SPP To date, 3 solar power plants have been built:

• Chui region, village. Orlovka (100 kV) JSC "KhMZ";

• on the roof of KSTU (80 kV);

• on the roof of JSC NESK (50 kV).

Total capacity: 230 kW


Small hydroelectric power plants, solar power plants and wind power plants that will be commissioned in 2023:

1. Bala-Saruu HPP

2. Leilek HPP

3. Issyk-Ata HPP

4. Isfayram-1 HPP

5. Avletim HPP

6. Kogart HPP

7. Kyshtut HPP

8. Beles HPP

9. Kurak-Tektir HPP

10. Kozho-Kayir

11. Kainama-1 HPP

12. Vestas Wind Farm

13. Kun-bulagi SES


Total capacity

25 MW

6 MW

2 MW

4 MW


6.7 MW

1 MW

0.54 MW

1.2 MW

0.15 MW

4.8 MW

10 MW

10 MW


73.99 MW




Reforms in the fuel and energy complex in 2023

• Changes in medium-term tariff policy;

• Creation of a Directorate in the field of construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants;

• Liquidation of OJSC National Energy Holding;

• Relocation of JSC "Electric Stations" to Kara-Kol Jalal-Abad region;

• Strengthening the financial position of energy companies (capitalization);

• Transfer of boiler houses of OJSC “Electric Stations” to the balance of State Enterprise “Kyrgyzteploenergo”;

• Launch of the “My Light” mobile application, convenient for working with subscribers;

• A Call Center for Kyrgyzstan (CALL-center) was organized;

• Separation of sales departments and system operator;

• Implementation of an ERP system to automate business processes;

• Consolidation of the Bishkek Thermal Power Plant and the Bishkek Heat Network into a state enterprise;

• Update of the Law on Renewable Energy (tariff 4.46 p.);

• Installation of ASKUE meters;

• Introduction of an emergency regime in the energy sector.

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