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Information review of the RES market in Russia (Q1 2023)

18 мая 2023
Views: 180

The Association for the Development of Renewable Energy (RREDA) presents the next quarterly information review of the renewable energy sources (RES) market in Russia based on the results of the 1st quarter of 2023.

The review is available at the link.


In the new information review:

• the main indicators of the functioning of renewable energy generation facilities are presented, including data on the commissioning of new "green" power plants in the first quarter of 2023, the total installed capacity, the regional distribution of renewable energy generation facilities, as well as the operating modes of CPA RES facilities as of April 1, 2023 of the year;

• Based on data on renewable energy generation in foreign countries, maps of the global distribution of SPP and WPP generation, as well as their shares in total electricity generation in 2022, are given;

• the results of the competitive selection of CPA RES 2.0 investment projects held in 2023 are given;

• the key changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning renewable and hydrogen energy, carbon regulation, electric transport are reflected;

• data on the volume of contracts and the main sellers of electricity supplied under the mechanism of free bilateral contracts (FBC) of RES are presented.

A quarterly review allows you to assess the current state and timely track the development trends of the renewable energy industry in the country.

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