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International conference "Digital production technologies in the electric power industry. Prospects for the formation of a digital environment for additional education in the electric power industry”

11 ноября 2020
Views: 981

On November 5-6, 2020, in the format of e-learning (webinar), the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council and the Non-Profit Partnership "Corporate Educational and Scientific Center of the Unified Power System", Moscow, held an international conference "Digital production technologies in the electric power industry. Prospects for the formation of a digital environment for additional education in the electric power industry”.

During the conference, the following issues were discussed: digital transformation of the electric power industry in Russia: main directions and experience in the implementation of digital technologies; fundamentals of risk-oriented means of control and supervision in the electric power industry; standards IEC 61968, IEC 61970, GOST R 58652.1 2019, GOST R 58652.2 2019; international experience in digitalization of the power grid complex and generating companies; intelligent network equipment: monitoring and analytics of the operation of power transformers and switching devices; digital production technologies in power generation; efficiency evaluation of electric power industry entities investment programs: sources and efficiency criteria, new priorities; innovative technologies for personnel management of energy companies, assessment of human capital quality based on the use of the personnel state index in the electric power industry; the use of modern digital means of simulator training for professional training of  power companies personnel; use of VR \ 3D simulators of the "Dipol" corporation for professional training of energy companies personnel; distance learning and training of personnel using virtual simulators on example of the PTM; modern digital environment for training operational staff; creation of digital twins of power equipment of TPPs for personnel training.

Representatives of the CIS member states from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and a number of major Russian companies took part in the discussion on the conference issues. At the event, material was presented on the development of Methodological Recommendations for the formation of digital environment for additional professional education of the CIS member states energy enterprises personnel. Presentations were made by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Energy, heads of consulting and design companies and training firms.

The audience noted the high content level  of the reports presented. Past conference was the first within the framework of the events of the Educational portal of the CIS Electric Power Council being created.

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