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Interview with Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the CIS Electric Power Council Executive Committee, published in the May issue of the “Energy and Industry of Russia” newspaper

24 мая 2022
Views: 444

In February 2022, 30 years have passed since the formation of the CIS Electric Power Council (EPC CIS). This body of sectoral cooperation of the CIS in the field of electric power industry was established in accordance with the Agreement on the coordination of interstate relations in the field of electric power industry of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated February 14, 1992. Today, the Council faces new challenges and tasks.


EIR talked with Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the EPC CIS Executive Committee, about how the work of the CIS Electric Power Council is being carried out in today's difficult conditions.


More: https://www.m.eprussia.ru/epr/articles/taras-kupchikov-strany-sng-seychas-stoyat-pered-novymi-vyzovami.htm

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