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Iran has started importing Turkmen electricity

09 июня 2021
Views: 1350

Iran has started importing electricity from Turkmenistan, the Business Turkmenistan information portal reports.

Turkmenistan will transmit 140 MWh of electricity to the north-eastern Iranian province of Khorasan through the frontier town Serakhs.

This figure may increase in the future, as the two countries implement the first stage of the previously signed agreement on the transmission of electricity.

Earlier it was reported that Turkmenistan increased its electricity exports by 2.1 times in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period last year.

The Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan increased the generation of electricity for domestic consumption by 6 % and for the external market by 12.9% compared to the first quarter of 2020.

According to the portal, one of the reasons for the growth in electricity exports was the commissioning of a 500 kV transmission line to Afghanistan (Kerki - Shibergan) in January this year.

Electricity export is expected to grow by 8.7% in Turkmenistan by 2025. This will be facilitated by the construction of new power plants, power lines, modern transformer substations and switchgears.

The Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan previously reported that there are opportunities for the transmission of electricity in transit through Afghanistan to Tajikistan. By 2030, Turkmenistan plans to produce up to 35.5 billion kWh of electricity.

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