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Iran to start electricity exchange with Russia through Azerbaijan

17 июля 2023
Views: 141

In the near future, Iran will start exchanging electricity with Russia through the territory of Azerbaijan.

This was stated on Sunday by Iranian Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian.

According to Mr. Mehrabian, it is easier to exchange electricity with Russia through Azerbaijan.

He added that the power grids were synchronized at one stage. But relay protections need to be adjusted with each other.

The Iranian minister noted that at present, electricity consumption in Iran is 72.5 thousand MWh per day. 30 thousand MW of this consumption is accounted for by refrigeration equipment. Thus, in winter, Iran can export about 30,000 MW of electricity.

“If the Iranian power grid is connected to Russia through Azerbaijan, then given that the peak of electricity consumption in Iran is in the summer, and the peak of electricity consumption in Russia is in the winter, Iran can import electricity from Russia in the summer and export electricity to Russia in the winter” , - he said.

It should be noted that work is underway on a project to create a North-South power corridor between Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia. The goal is to synchronize the electrical networks of the three countries. The necessary design work was carried out by the Monenko company from Iran.

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