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It is planned to allocate more than 9 billion rubles for hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024

15 февраля 2023
Views: 356

9.3 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of hydrogen energy in Russia until 2024. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak in an article in the Energy Policy magazine.

Funds will be allocated from the federal budget within the framework of the Clean Energy federal project.

“As part of the development of low-carbon energy, Russia is developing the hydrogen industry. At the end of last year, the country approved a roadmap for the development of the high-tech direction "Development of Hydrogen Energy", which has become a single document for the development of the industry. In January of this year, the Russian Government, State Corporation Rosatom and PJSC Gazprom signed an agreement on the implementation of the road map,” reminded A. Novak.

“As part of the Clean Energy federal project, funds from the federal budget in the amount of 9.3 billion rubles are provided for the development of hydrogen energy. until 2024," he said.

As reported, in January, the Russian government signed agreements with Gazprom and Rosatom on the implementation of the hydrogen road map with a planning horizon up to 2030 (previously it was limited to 2025).

"Implementation of the measures of the" road map "" Development of hydrogen energy "will create the necessary technologies and equipment for the production of hydrogen based on natural gas and nuclear energy and its application in the sectors of the economy," the Cabinet said at the time.

At the end of December, A. Novak, in an interview with TASS, said that Russia had not given up on its plans to become a major player in the world hydrogen market and kept plans for hydrogen export.

The comprehensive program for the development of the hydrogen energy industry, prepared by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2022, implied that the export of Russian hydrogen in 2030 could amount to 2.2 million tons, the proceeds from its sale - $ 12.7 billion.

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