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Joint Stock Company "National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan": Results of 2022

22 февраля 2023
Views: 284

Information according to the National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC on the work carried out in connection with the fulfillment of the main forecast indicators in January-December 2022.

On the balance sheet of the Joint Stock Company there are 86 high-voltage substations, more than 11,650 km of main electrical networks with a voltage of 110–220 and 500 kV. The company employs a total of 4,332 people, of which 737 are women and 771 are young people.

In connection with the fulfillment of the main indicators set by JSC "National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan" since the beginning of 2022, the following results have been achieved:

I. Power transmission

Since the beginning of 2022 (January-December), electricity in the amount of 66.5 billion kWh has been transported through the main electric grids. The plan was fulfilled by 102.0% (growth rate by 102.8% compared to the last year period).

II. On the implementation of the investment program

According to the approved program for the reconstruction and modernization of electrical networks:

in order to develop and modernize the main electrical networks, a number of works are being carried out. According to the results of international tenders, taking into account the funds saved under the projects, in 2022, the disbursement of funds in the amount of $89.8 million was expected from all sources of financing. Including:

· Foreign investment funds — $64.4 million;

· Own funds of JSC "NES of Uzbekistan" - $25.4 million.

In particular, in January-December 2022, $112.5 million (125.2% of the plan) was disbursed from all sources of funding.

III. About works on modernization and reconstruction

JSC "NES of Uzbekistan" in order to fully cover the growing part of the demand for electricity from the sectors of the economy of the republic, the social sphere and business entities, as well as the population, in 2019-2022, work on the modernization and reconstruction of electrical networks under the management of the Company is being carried out at an accelerated pace.

Since the beginning of 2022 (January-December), on the basis of the modernization program, as a result of work carried out to replace power transformers at 9 substations, the installed capacity has been additionally increased for 1241 MVA. Of these, 125 MVA at the Traktorsoz substation (Tashkent city), 216 MVA at the Chupon-ota substation (Samarkand region), 138 MVA

at the substation "Yuksak" (Tashkent city), 187 MVA at the substation "Sherabad" (Surkhandarya region), 125 MVA at the substation "DNS-2" (Jizzakh region), 63 MVA at the substation "Gornaya" (Navoi region), 62 MVA

at the Kuyu-Mozor substation (Bukhara region), 200 MVA at the Ozodlik substation (Tashkent city) and at the Amir Temur substation 125 MVA (Kashkadarya region).

IV. About completed and ongoing repairs

In 2022, the overhaul of 10 power transformers with a total capacity of 848 MVA, 66 circuit breakers 110-500 kV, 14 compressor units and overhead lines with a voltage of 110-500 kV with a length of 810.23 km in the main electrical networks was fully completed on October 1, 2022.

V. Cost reduction

According to the National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC, for 2022 a forecast plan was drawn up to reduce costs by 107.0 billion soums, relevant measures were developed, and appropriate work is being carried out in this direction. In total, for the Joint Stock Company in January-December 2022, expenses were reduced by 107.4 billion soums, the plan was fulfilled by 100.3%.

VI. On payments to the state budget

In January-December 2022, National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC paid 126.9 billion soums to budget and extra-budgetary funds.

VII. Work to reduce imports

As a result of the purchase of electrical equipment necessary for the operation of the company from manufacturing enterprises of foreign countries, currently on the basis of electronic trading from manufacturing enterprises of our republic (voltage overload protection device), a reduction in imports from the beginning of 2022 (January-December) amounted to a total of $268.1 thousand, the plan was fulfilled by 116.6%.

VIII. About creating new jobs

In 2022, 21 new jobs were created at the enterprises of the system, the plan was fulfilled by 116.6%.


Information Service of NES Uzbekistan JSC

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