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JSC "Thermal Power Plants" of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Key indicators for 2022

22 февраля 2023
Views: 311

JSC "Thermal Power Plants" is the main generation system for the generation of electrical and thermal energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 80% of the electricity generated in our country falls on the enterprises of the society.

Recently, the company published preliminary results of its activities for 2022.

The volume of generated electrical and thermal energy for 2022 amounted to 17.9 trillion soums, exceeding the forecast indicators by 103.8%. At the same time, according to the results of last year, 55.5 billion kWh of electricity and 5.35 million Gcal of thermal energy were transferred to the Unified Energy System of the country.

In order to improve the financial condition of the industry, increase operational efficiency and organize a management system based on globally recognized principles, international consulting companies such as McKinsey & Company, KPMG and Deloitte were involved, which elaborated a number of initiatives and a development strategy based on the results of research.

In this regard, in order to provide consumers with sustainable energy resources, prevent rising prices for electricity and heat, as a result of reducing fuel consumption, ensuring operational efficiency, introducing advanced and energy-efficient technologies, the cost of products manufactured in 2022 decreased by 1.36 trillion soums with an overfulfillment forecast by 118.3%.

In accordance with the investment program, $256.3 million were disbursed within the framework of 6 projects, exceeding the approved target by 111.9%.

As part of investment projects, promising projects are currently being implemented at the Tashkent CHPP for the construction of two gas turbine units with a capacity of 32 MW each and an increase in the capacity of the Talimarjan TPP to at least 900 MW.

In order to effectively implement investment projects, Thermal Power Plants JSC maintains effective cooperation with General Electric (USA), Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu (Japan), Hyundai (South Korea), Intecsa Ingeniera Industrial S.A. (Spain), AC Boilers S.p.A (Italy), Russian companies Power Machines, Krasny Kotelshchik, Kaluga Turbine Plant, Taganrog Boiler Plant, Leningrad Metal Plant, Çalik Enerji (Turkey) , ETTB, ATB, JICA International Cooperation Agency (Japan), State Development Bank (PRC).

In addition, in 2022, Fitch Ratings (USA), a member of the Big Three global group, assessed the international indicative rating of Thermal Power Plants JSC at BB- Stable and equated it to the sovereign rating Republic of Uzbekistan. This rating represents JSC "Thermal Power Plants" in the global investment markets as an enterprise with a clear and transparent business strategy, a transparent financial position and a strong corporate governance system.

The Joint Stock Company also pays special attention to personnel policy. According to the Roadmap for retraining stuff and advanced training abroad for 2022, more than 100 employees were trained in countries such as Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan, and about 200 employees were attracted to study at the educational institution "Energy of the Future" at the Navoi TPP. In order to attract qualified personnel to the sphere, 123 new jobs were created, to which young graduates of specialized secondary specialized and higher educational institutions were invited.

In order to produce instruments, parts and equipment necessary for repair work, to prevent the leakage of foreign exchange funds outside the country, local production has been expanded on the basis of industrial cooperation and localization. As a result, in 2022, products worth 26.1 billion soums with an overfulfillment of the forecast by 119.0%. Thus, a reduction in the volume of imports by $16.2 million was achieved.

For reference

JSC "Thermal Power Plants" is one of the largest taxpayers in the country. According to preliminary data, the company and its branches in 2022 sent about

2.7 trillion sums of tax payments.

It should also be noted that JSC "Thermal Power Plants" and its branches are major employers, today about 12 thousand employees work at the enterprises of the system. Of these, women - 2065, youth - 2175.


Press Service of JSC "Thermal Power Plants"

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