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Kambarata HPP-1 is another step towards the energy independence of Kyrgyzstan

11 июля 2022
Views: 527

On June 8, 2022, the construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 in the Jalal-Abad region of the Kyrgyz Republic was launched.

The Kambarata HPP-1 Construction project is the largest power facility of the entire Kambarata HPP cascade, which provides for the construction of a 256 m high rockfill dam and a HPP with an installed capacity of 1860 MW, with an average annual output of 5.6 billion kWh and a full reservoir capacity 5.4 billion m³ of water. The construction period will be from 8 to 10 years. It is planned to put into operation the first hydraulic unit of the HPP in four years.

“Today we are starting the construction of one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Central Asia, which will ensure the energy security and independence of our country!”, the head of state said in his speech at the event on the occasion of the start of the construction of the hydroelectric power station, expressing confidence that the implementation of the project would play an important role in the pace of development of the country, will make a great contribution to the welfare of the Kyrgyz people and improve the state of the economy.

It is noteworthy that the Kambarata HPP-1 will be the largest facility of the entire Kambarata HPP cascade, located in the middle reaches of the Naryn River, with a capacity of about 1900 MW, and an annual electricity generation of 5.6 billion kWh.

The reservoir with a volume of 4.65 billion cubic meters will carry out seasonal regulation of the flow of the Naryn River in the interests of energy, compensating for the decrease in winter energy efficiency of the Nizhny Naryn HPP cascade (Toktogul HPP, Kurpsai HPP and others).

Therefore, an important advantage of the Kambarata HPP-1 will be the independence of operation from restrictions in winter, since the water discharged from the plant will accumulate in the Toktogul reservoir. In addition, with the full launch of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP, conditions will be created for the operation of the Kambar-Ata-2 HPP at full capacity, starting to use the second and third units, which will subsequently increase its capacity.

“As a result, we will be able to fully operate these two important hydroelectric power plants and produce 1,000 MW, which will be equivalent to the current volume of electricity generated at the Toktogul HPP,” Zhaparov said at the event.

The annual net profit of the country as a result of the launch of Kambarata HPP-1      (KAGEP-1) will be more than $234 million. This amount consists of the ability to sell each produced kWh, and 5.6 billion kWh of electricity per year for 5.15 US cents, within the framework of the CASA-1000 project. This circumstance will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the launch of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP will benefit not only Kyrgyzstan, but also Central Asia by solving irrigation problems in neighboring countries and contributing to the stabilization of the water and energy balance in the region.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is already a prepared part of the infrastructure (bases, roads, quarries), a close location to the 500kV overhead line "Datka-Kemin", which will ensure the Kambarata HPP-1 to have the lowest costs for the power distribution scheme, they will decide issues of energy supply to the population of the republic in winter. In the future, the growth of electricity consumption in the country will be satisfied.

Project financing

1.5 billion soms will be allocated from the republican budget for the preparatory work for the construction of the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant. To date, 412.8 million soms have been allocated from the Kyrgyz Republic's own funds for research, feasibility studies and other work.

The funds will be used to build a transport tunnel to the construction site, a bridge connecting the two banks of the Naryn River, high-voltage power lines, roads and a workers' camp. The rest of the necessary funds, as planned, will be attracted from partners. This was what Zhaparov said at the event: “The implementation of the preparatory work will increase the interest of investors and partners in the main construction site. Taking this opportunity, I would like to inform interested partners that we are ready to cooperate in the implementation of this project.”

What's next?

Since 1991, international financial organizations and partner countries have invested more than $1 billion in the republic's hydropower sector, but these funds have not been able to improve the current state of the state.

Naturally, having modernized and reconstructed the Toktogul hydroelectric power plant and the Bishkek thermal power plant, it was not possible to achieve the energy security of the country. To do this, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to implement the project for the construction of the Upper Naryn cascade of HPPs and Kambar-Ata-1, which will already make it possible to receive additional profit from the export of electricity within the framework of the CASA-1000 project.

Today, Kyrgyzstan uses only 10-11% of the hydropower potential of Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, all electricity is generated at the Nizhne-Naryn HPPs cascade built back in Soviet times, which is the only complex operating in the country that includes 5 stations: Toktogulskaya - 1200 MW, Kurpsaiskaya - 800 MW, Tashkumyrskaya - 450 MW, Shamaldysayskaya - 240 MW and Uchkurgan - 180 MW.

Power engineers indicate that, due to the population growth rate and the increase in the number of enterprises in Kyrgyzstan, these capacities are no longer enough, and given the desire of Kyrgyzstan to export electricity to South Asia, the search for new companies to implement the project for the construction of the Upper Naryn cascade of the GEA and Kambar-Ata -1 - is important for the country.

Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to build not only the Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant, but also such hydroelectric power plants as Suusamyr-Kokomeren, Sary-Jaz, Kazarman and the Upper Naryn Cascade. Only after that, it will be possible to loudly declare the achievement of energy security and independence of the republic.

At the same time, do not forget about previous experience, from which it is clear that the huge funds invested in the rehabilitation of existing hydroelectric power plants in the country will not give any effect. And attracting foreign companies to build a hydroelectric power station in the Kyrgyz Republic from scratch is unreliable.

IAC "Kabar"

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