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Kazakhstan and the EU considered the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership Agreement

02 декабря 2021
Views: 343

On November 26, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, within the framework of an official visit to Belgium, discussed with President of the European Council Charles Michel the current situation and prospects of strategic interaction between Kazakhstan and the EU in terms of the qualitative implementation of the Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation. This was reported by the press service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized that over three decades, Kazakhstan and the European Union have built strong relations, on the basis of trust, mutual respect and joint priorities.

The politicians agreed on the importance of the full implementation of the Agreement, which established the legal format for joint work in 29 pathways. In this context, the process of implementation of the new EU-Central Asia Strategy, as well as the active nature of the EU-Central Asia dialogue, was positively noted.

The head of Kazakhstan, along with other topical issues, touched upon the situation with water resources in the Central Asian region, in particular, he stated the necessary expediency of creating an International Water and Energy Consortium. The functionality of this organization should be aimed at ensuring a balance of the strategic interests of the states of the region in hydropower, water use and environment. In this vein, the President called on European partners to support the implementation of the Kazakhstani initiative.

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