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Kazakhstan announced the completion of the modernization of thermal power plants and heating networks

14 декабря 2023
Views: 82

Kazakhstan announced the completion of the modernization of thermal power plants (CHP) and heating networks. First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Roman Sklyar announced this at a briefing on December 12. He also told how much was invested in the overhaul of problematic energy facilities.

“In total, 146.5 billion tenge were invested in capital and current repairs,” said First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar. At the same time, he noted that these figures significantly exceed the funds allocated in the previous year - only 36 billion tenge.

“Out of 146 billion tenge, almost half was spent on the construction of CHPP-3 in Astana. It was a long-term construction project, but this year we carried out intensive actions and it was successfully launched,” said the First Deputy Prime Minister. Sklyar also noted the problems of heating networks and announced reconstruction costs of 175 billion tenge, which led to the repair of 499.7 kilometers of heating networks. 

At the same time, he emphasized that accidents or technical violations in the energy system are inevitable, but assured that their consequences will not affect the heat supply of cities.

Let us remind you that during the heating season 2022/2023 a number of major accidents occurred at thermal power plants in Ekibastuz, Ridder, and several other settlements. A major blackout in western Kazakhstan also occurred in the summer of 2023 due to an accident at Mangistau Nuclear Power Plant (MNPP), which provoked a decrease in oil production.

As experts note, the degree of wear and tear of Kazakhstan’s energy systems has reached its limit. Taking into account Kazakhstan's leadership in the field of uranium mining, the authorities consider the prospect of constructing a nuclear power plant to be beneficial for the country. In September, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposed holding a referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant. Previously, Russia proposed to build a nuclear power plant in the republic according to the Rosatom project. The Russian company is a long-time and reliable partner of Kazakhstan in the field of uranium processing and enrichment. In addition, it has extensive experience in constructing nuclear power plants abroad.

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