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Kazakhstan has no other option than building a nuclear power plant - Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

08 августа 2022
Views: 30045

According to the energy balance, by 2035 electricity consumption in Kazakhstan will иу increased by about 50%. This was announced to journalists on August 3 by the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Bolat Akchulakov at a press conference.

The minister explained that this forecast takes into account the depreciation of existing thermal power plants and the growth in electricity consumption. According to the forecast of the ministry, consumption in Kazakhstan by the year 35 will be 150 billion kWh, or 50% higher than the current level. B. Akchulakov also added that today about 37 thermal power plants in Kazakhstan are in critical condition.

Earlier, the minister said that the construction of coal-fired power plants is impossible due to Kazakhstan's climate commitments. The minister also explained that an increase in the construction of power plants operating on renewable energy sources requires an increase in the reserve capacity of electricity using traditional fuel.

“Coal is not allowed, there is little gas, there is a lot of renewable energy - the stability of the system needs to be supported by a basic source. What? Nuclear power. We have no other option,” the minister said.

B. Akchulakov said that they plan to build a nuclear power plant in the village of Ulken on Lake Balkhash.

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