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Kazakhstan intends to implement 180 renewable energy projects by 2030

07 декабря 2021
Views: 39133

Over the next four years, it is planned to launch more than 60 new projects with a capacity of 2,400 MW and an investment volume of more than $ 2.5 billion.

The Kazakh authorities intend to commission 180 renewable energy facilities with a total capacity of 9 GW by 2030. This was reported by the press service of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, who held a meeting of the Council for Improving the Investment Climate.

According to the government, 25 projects in the field of renewable energy with a total capacity of almost 600 MW were put into operation last year. The volume of investment in them exceeded $ 510 million. By the end of this year, 22 projects with a total capacity of 450 MW will be implemented with the attraction of $ 445 million. In addition, over the next four years, it is planned to launch over 60 new projects with a capacity of 2,400 MW and an investment volume of more than $ 2.5 billion.

"In general, by 2030 Kazakhstan plans to commission more than 180 renewable energy projects with a total capacity of 9 GW. There is no doubt that our country will timely fulfill all its obligations under COP26 (the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Glasgow in early November ) ", - said Mamin.

He also recalled that in Glasgow, Kazakhstan announced its goal to increase the volume of energy from renewable sources by five times (from 3% to 15%) by 2030, increase the potential for carbon sequestration by planting more than 2 billion trees, and ensure the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2060.

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