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Kazakhstan is working on 4 renewable energy projects with the participation of foreigners, one of them with the Russian Federation

27 сентября 2023
Views: 126

The Kazakh authorities are working on the implementation of four large projects in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) with the participation of foreign companies, one of which is Russian, said Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic Erlan Akkenzhenov.

“There are currently three large projects at the implementation stage together with KazakhInvest, and negotiations are underway on the fourth with a Russian company. I hope we will come to a consensus, and this project will also work,” said Akkenzhenov, speaking at a specialized panel session “Technologies for energy: efficient, clean, safe” at the international industrial exhibition “Innoprom.Kazakhstan”.

He noted that one of them will be implemented in southern Kazakhstan, between Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, its design capacity is 1 GW.

“In southern Kazakhstan, namely in terms of renewable energy sources, this is the Masdar company, the total capacity is 1 GW, the first stage is 500 MW, will be located between the Zhambyl and Turkestan regions,” said the Deputy Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan.

The remaining two projects are being implemented by TotalEnergies with the Mirny project and ACWA Power Company with the wind power plant project. Both projects have a capacity of 1 GW. They will be located in Zhambyl and Zhetysu regions in the south and southeast of the country.

According to the press service of the government of Kazakhstan, by 2030 the country plans to increase the share of renewable energy sources in its energy balance from the current 4.5% to 15%.

Currently, 155 RES projects have been implemented in the republic. The share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation reached 4.5% in 2022. The total generation of electricity in Kazakhstan in 2022 amounted to 112.8 billion kWh, of which 5.1 billion kWh is the volume of renewable energy production: solar and wind power plants, small hydroelectric power plants and biogas plants.

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